Busy with IFR Practice Flights

I have been flying a lot lately doing IFR practice flights. The only time I can seem to get up is on the weekends so I'm scheduling myself any time I can squeeze in between family obligations and instructor schedules.

Last weekend, I flew four times in three days:
Friday evening
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Sunday afternoon

This weekend, only twice. Friday's scheduled flight was canceled due to area thunderstorms. booo.

One of the instructors I'm flying with, Torrey Zook, brings a video camera that provides audio inside the cockpit during flight. I'm loving this! I can rewatch portions of our flight to review where I got off (or where I was spot on) and actually see what's going on outside the airplane as I'm flying "under the hood". I have plans to slice up the videos into short segments and post to my YouTube channel. But video editing takes time, and I'm short on that these days. Some day (or night) I'll find loads of time to crank out a few videos. Until then, 17.6 GB of footage will have to wait.

Here are a few pictures of recent flights taken by the instructor from today:

Dallas, TX

Over Lovefield in Dallas, TX
(you can see a commercial flight on the taxi way)



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