Long time no blog!

I went to the office last Friday. I took Josh with me- which was an ill-fated decision. He was adorable for the first 20 minutes as ladies in the office toted him around pretending to be grandmothers. Then, all hell broke lose. He began to fuss and then cry and then scream. He was over-stimulated from seeing all the people. Between a diaper change and swaying, it took me about half an hour to soothe him to sleep. Which left me about 15 minutes to work. Aside from seeing a few people and sending one email, it wasn't really worth my time or effort to go. Then, to top things off, Josh cried in his car seat all the way home- except the last 3 minutes.

We took Josh with us to see a drum and bugle performance in Arlington. The idea was good on paper but not so in reality. Mostly it was due to heat and a cranky baby. I put a cute hat on Josh to shade his face from the sun, but I think that over heated him. It took us a while to cool him off with water sprinkled on his shirt and head. By the time he was cooled off, he was hungry then sleepy. We spent a majority of the performance taking care of Josh (no surprise to me). He fell asleep for maybe 30 minutes at the end then awoke as we were leaving. He then cried all the way home. I think he was hungry earlier than we excepted him to be. Even though I fed him in the bleachers at the stadium, he needed to be fed again prematurely. As soon as we got home, I fed Josh and he was all smiles. The performance was 3 hours long and with baby care, heat and high stress moments, we were exhausted by the time we got home.

Joshua's personality is really starting to show. Whenever Josh sees a baby in the mirror, he gets all happy and excited, smiling and even "talking". Perhaps this is a sign that Josh will be outgoing. He also loves to watch images on the television. I try to shield his view whenever possible, but I suspect I'll lose that battle eventually.

Not all new music is rubbish. Despite being disappointed after watching MTV and VH1, I have discovered a few songs/artists that I otherwise would have missed had I not attempted to stay current.




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