Vancouver is cool. Literally. Our cozy room doesn't have an A/C vent so we popped open the window last night which chilled us nicely. We're staying in an older hotel, a bed and breakfast really, that's in an older building. It's sort of 30's style. It's not swank like the hotels some of our friends are staying in, like the Sutton Place Hotel and Pan Pacific, but we're not bleeding our wallets and have everything we need.
To our surprise, three friends were on the same flight as us yesterday: Rob, Matt Peck & Steve Bergman. Rob is awesome. After we landed in BC we stood around wondering how to get to our hotels (share a taxi, shuttle?) then Rob says "Let's take a limo". It made sense. The cost split between us was reasonable and we have a direct drive to where we needed to go (unlike a shuttle with other people). We all checked in to our rooms then headed out for a late dinner near Peck & Bergan's hotel. I couldn't have asked for a better start to a vacation.
Today we're helping Matt drop off gifts around town, trying on Rusty's tux and eventually ending up at a pub near the waterfront. Tomorrow Rusty's getting his haircut and I think I'll take that time to get a pedicure or some sort of pampering. Saturday I want my hair done up nicely for the wedding. The shirt I picked out to wear has beads so my hair must be up or it will get tangled in it.
I miss Josh only a little at this point. I have to admit, sleeping 7 hours through the night felt damn good! :) And being able to hop around the corner to grab a toiletries without the hassle of strollering, diapering, fussing, and parenting was great. I miss the little guy but I am enjoying this trip as myself, the pre-mom Sarah with no responsibilities but her own. And Newby 2.
Blog Archive
- The amount of rain this spring is putting a damper...
- Rain rain rain. Everyday there's rain. I'm waiting...
- Whew! Moving is hard work. We're 98% moved. Dorot...
- In no particular order...Vacations are never long ...
- Vancouver is cool. Literally. Our cozy room doesn'...
- It's a neat feeling to wake up in one country then...
- Matt's wedding is in one week. I am beyond excite...
- Lessons I've learned- or relearned- after a week o...
- The downtime will be a mixed blessing. There are ...
- I find myself with more time thanks to basically b...
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