Why do strangers feel compelled to compliment a mom on weight loss after she's had a baby? At no other time is it acceptable to broach the topic. A man at the mail office today said I looked like I lost all the weight. I kindly thanked him for the compliment but it bothered me. How does he know how much weight I gained? And what if weight gaining/losing was an issue and he sort of rubbed in the point? In truth, I've lost about 10 pounds but only people who know me well would really be able to notice. I know he means well. A better compliment could be "if I hadn't seen a baby I would have never believed you just had one" or "you don't look exhausted, he must be a good sleeper".
Tomorrow is a first for me. While Rusty does his last minute shopping in the morning, I've agreed to take the boys to a mall for a few hours. God help me- I'm fearing the worst. Here's what could go wrong:
- I have to breastfeed in a bathroom while preventing Josh from touching anything
- Both boys have a meltdown at the same time
- I have a meltdown
- Josh throws a tantrum while I'm busy holding or nursing Elliot
- I get both boys home with success but am unable to get Josh to nap
Baby cries put me and everyone else on edge. Although Rusty is fielding this round of crying (we've been trading and this blog has taken over an hour to compose off & on) it's my trn again soon. I hope Elliot goes to bed early-ish tonight. I'll need the rest.
Blog Archive
- The year in review. January- nothing to reportFebr...
- After several phone calls this weekend the family ...
- My grandmother passed away this evening. She was ...
- I would have posted a Merry Christmas blog yesterd...
- Pet peeve: when magazines start an article then ma...
- I can't imagine TV life without TiVo*. Esp for 4a...
- Elliot's pediatrician visit today confirmed he has...
- The mall trip wasn't all that bad but I don't want...
- Why do strangers feel compelled to compliment a mo...
- For some reason I decide to count calories today. ...
- I've got my yearly bah-humbug feeling. Maybe the ...
- Both children are napping, the windows are open to...
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