Okay, so being home with both boys isn't all bad all the time. We had one rough patch this morning (throwing toys got Josh into trouble which made Elliot upset) but the whole rest of the day went smoothly. I even got Josh to eat all of his dinner- spaghetti with homemade sauce, breaded chicken, peach slices from a can.

Tomorrow I'll start my day taking Elliot to a sneak peek movie showing in Frisco called The Business of Being Born. So far over 130 people have purchased tickets (plus a few moms I know). Then late afternoon Josh & I are getting our hair cut. I want to lop off about 6 inches, maybe more. Just long enough to pull back w/ a scrunchy. Some day I'll get a whole new do, but not yet.

Elliot is becoming ever so handsome. He's got good color, he smiles a lot, he coos and almost giggles, he loves to stand and sit up (both with support of course). He's less cranky at nights and a little more predictable in what he needs. But his sleep routine is still anything-goes! Speaking of, I should go now before I lose a chance to snooze!




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