Today we did Spring like things. We planted two flats of flowers from the Farmer's Market, refilled the bird feeder, let Elliot & Josh splash in puddles with their rain boots, watched bees fly around the flowers and at the end of the day we played with the stomp rocket at a pocket park letting the gusty winds carry the foam rockets high up.

One of Joshua's bottom teeth came out today! It's his first tooth to come out on its own. The first tooth he lost was due to a dentist who spotted an abscess root after he cracked a neighboring tooth from a fall in the bathroom. He first discovered this loose tooth on Wednesday or Thursday and by this morning it was hanging out practically horizontal when he pushed on it. Rusty made a quick run to the bank for a few gold dollar coins. I'll put one under his pillow tonight.

I almost bought Rusty a really cool expensive birthday present. I was on the phone about to give my credit card number when a very quiet thought suggested he might not think it's all that. It's completely out of character for me to talk about or show a gift prior to the giving, but I made a rare exception this time. We drove to the store, the sales person showed him a picture, they talked, Rusty asked a lot of the same questions I had asked, then we left for him to ponder things over. After a day of thinking, he decided it wasn't all that. So instead of a high-key birthday, we'll settle instead on a low-key birthday. I'll try to get out work around lunch time so we can catch a movie or do some disc golfing or do something fun and special together.

And on the topic of gifts, I have Mother's Day taken care and am just waiting to mail it out. Which is also unusual. I'm rarely this ahead of schedule when it comes to mailing stuff.

The black shirt pictures are from Easter before we dyed eggs.




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