Rusty is OFFICIALLY a private pilot! Today he got his nifty plastic card from the FAA. We've already gone on two family flights in the area using a rental plane. The first trip was to Tyler to visit the flight museum (how fitting) and the second trip was to Aero Country where we inquired about hangars. We met a few pilots there who informed us that Aero Country didn't have much hangar space for rent and that the previous owner of Airpark, David Noell, died last month.
Although we really want to park at Airpark because it's cheap and close to home, we're concerned about it's future as available airport. It isn't maintained and a landowner in the area wants to raze the airport and put in a shopping strip. Booooo!
As for me, I'm prepping for the checkride. I went up this week to practice stalls, s-turns and emergency landings. I'll go up again next week then plead for hopefully earn an endorsement to take the checkride.
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