The puppies disappeared this afternoon. They were out when I left for my eye appointment but gone by the evening when we went outside to feed them. An hour after we decided they moved on to someplace else, the neighbor boy came by with my flyer asking if the puppies were inside. Sorry dude, we told him, they were here yesterday. We looked around a couple houses near us then got cold and gave up. Hopefully the boy finds them. It's supposed to get cold again tonight (36 degrees).

Josh went with me to my eye appointment this afternoon. It was a follow up from my LASIK- which is awesome to not have glasses! Bottom lie message from the appointment- use more eye drops. To help myself remember to do so more frequently, I'm going to try to do it after every bottle/nursing which occurs about every 3 hours after Joshua wakes up. He was in a great mood throughout the appointment. We played quiet games while waiting such as clap mommy's hands, rocket baby on head, bounce on lap, peek-a-boo, blow puffs of air on hands and head, tickle boy boobs, and turn baby quickly to see others. He made a few loud squeals of joy, one good laugh, drooled a bit (ok, a lot), and almost got fussy once. Rocket baby on head always cures fussiness. Unless he's hungry. When he's hungry nothing works. Tomorrow will be another test of his patience as I go to my OB appointment. I hope he's easy again.




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