We did mommy/baby yoga today. I had a decently good time and worked up a sweat and Josh seemed to have fun too. Only probem was the time of the class. It started at 11am which meant Joshua wasn't able to have his usual long nap in the morning. I tossed him the car seat at 10am hoping he'd sleep in the car on the way there and I'd drive slowly and make one stop for bread at a drive-thru. However, he woke up in the car after 20 minutes of sleep while I was quietly waiting in line for bread. It wasn't the end of the world but it did throw off his routine and made him a little more cranky than usual.

We also visited Rusty at his office today. Josh watched the grown up boys toss an inflatable ball into an inflatable basketball hoop. I let out the air of one of the balls and let Josh play with it. He also played peek-a-boo using Rusty's shirt that was draped over the table. He had a decently good time while I was able to chow down on tamales & fajitas for lunch.

Still no progress towards crawling. He seems closer every so often but he's just not in a hurry to get anywhere. Fine by me. I'll encourage when I can and pay no heed to those who ask me every single week.




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