The forecast calls for rain but we hardly got five drops today. Just as well- I was able to run around town with Josh for a couple hours. Today's project was finding a facility for Lee's wedding reception. I checked out the ArtCentre of Plano first. Although it has a lovely, modern feel with quality wood floors great for dancing, they have strict timing. They allow a maximum of five hours from set up to clean up for a reception. Last time I helped set up for a wedding reception, it took two hours with a cast of volunteers doing everything from stacking dishes on the tables to setting up centerpieces to setting out guest gifts on the tables. If it takes an hour to set up and an hour to clean up, that only leaves 3 hours for the reception. To me that seems rushed. Perhaps the staff can be bribed to let them stay longer. The other place I looked at hardly needs mention as it didn't fit several of the requirements they are looking for. BUT they did serve up some very tasty quiche.

I think I can see two more teeth coming through on Josh's bottom gum. I'll try to get a better look tomorrow when he cries- which he does frequently these days from either bumping into something or frustration from not being able to do something. Tomorrow is supposed to definitely rain (the weather man swears it this time) so I'll take the rugrat to the Gallery to play. He loves the play areas at the mall and it's free entertainment.

Rusty's been on a business trip since Tuesday morning, returning tomorrow afternoon. As usual, I get stir crazy being alone. It's not so bad in the day because it's like every other day. But in the evenings, my routine plays off of Rusty's. And I look forward to his companionship. Luckily it was a short trip and he gets back early in the day.




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