Not a good week for making baby food. I doubled a recipe that called for rice, carrots, peas and turkey. But there was too much rice. It looked more like fried rice without the egg than baby food. Instead, I threw together Josh's favorite standby: peas & apples. On the other hand, I did make one recipe that again wasn't Josh's favorite, but I really liked it. I would be willing to do it again next to a breakfast item like French toast or waffles. Check it out:

Apple Raisin Compote

  • Heat 3 tablespoons of fresh orange juice in a saucepan.
  • Add 2 eating apples, peeled, cored and sliced
  • 15g (0.5oz) of washed raisins, halved
  • Cinnamon to taste (optional)

Cook gently for about 10 minutes until soft, adding a little water if necessary. Puree or mash to desired consistency. Best served warm.

I skipped out on Moms Group last week to run errands and take care of a few things around the house. It feels like I haven't gone in weeks. This week has been busy and so much has changed with Josh since the last time we went. In two weeks he's moving around more, less cranky in general, fussier at meal time, more talkative, more curl in his hair... and he has a new freckle!! It's on his left arm. Those who know me well understand my obsession of these details. Love it!

The house is 85% baby proofed. We decided to leave the computer room alone and just put up a gate to keep him out. There are a few more cabinets unsecured, a couple drawers he can open, a porcelain swan to move, cat toys to put away, a shower curtain to rehang- but the really dangerous stuff is taken care of. On a side note, Josh is going through the throwing-stuff-on-the-floor-is-fun phase. To accommodate this, I placed toys and baby-safe books on the bookshelf in his room. Occasionally he cruises his way from the window sill along the dresser to the book case to find lots of things to play with and toss on the floor. Another baby proofing change this week, I moved his diaper changing pad to the floor instead of being on the dresser. Though it's a bit of an inconvenience to change him on the floor, it's a heck of a lot safer and he can't rip the wall border off. I can't wait for him to move into pull-ups! I hope those are easier, especially since he hates being held down. I also lowered his crib to the lowest setting. He can still pull up to standing and now there's no way he want fall out. :)

As of last week, breastfeeding officially ended. He was more ready to end it than I was. In the last two weeks of breastfeeding, he would get fussy when he had to lay down or be still. He didn't want to be held for a feeding- he wanted to crawl on the floor, walk around the furniture or be carried across the house. He just lost interest. He'd latch on for a moment then turn away and start babbling or trying to roll off the Boppy. So I moved the rocking chair out of his room (yay! I won't impale my feet on it any more!) and packed the Boppy with other items to store in the attic. Although I wished I could have continued breastfeeding for the whole first year (I thought this before he was born and even several months after) I'm glad that he got what he needed from me for as long as he wanted it. That's the best scenario I could ask for.




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