After story time at the library we hung out at Chic-Fil-A for a bit to let Elliot (13 mos.) and Joshua (3.5) play and eat lunch before Elliot's nap. We were on our "3 minutes then we go home" countdown when Josh decided to run across the cushion benches. He had done this earlier with another little girl so I didn't think too much of it. Then his foot slipped on the edge and BANG! he slipped. The back of his head banged against the glass wall. I was prepared for a bump, a kiss, a few tears then going home. Oh no. He had a gash about an inch and a half long and fairly deep. He was bleeding onto his hair, it got on his shirt, his fingers... I was about to cry right next to him. The staff was good at bringing us water and towels to apply pressure. He needed a doctor and we decided paramedics would be best. The ambulance came, they braced his head, put him on a gurney and drove him to Trinity Hospital E.R..
I shed my two tears in the car driving behind the ambulance where Josh couldn't see me. Then pulled myself together, pulled Elliot out of his car seat then walked into the ER right next to him. He was such a champ- he didn't cry, he just talked to the paramedics.
Then we waited for two hours. Well, not entirely waited. He got his gash cleaned, they numbed it, they did a CT scan to make sure there wasn't any internal bleeding (there wasn't) all of which took the span of two hours. Thirty minutes into our waiting Rusty met us there, cheered up Josh then took Elliot home to nap while I waited with Josh. Then they gave him three staples (they don't do stitches anymore apparently) and discharged us with instructions to clean it daily and no swimming.
Whew! He's home, back to his normal wacky self. Lesson learned: do not let your kids jump or stand or especially run on the cushy benches at Chic-Fil-A because a hard enough bang on that glass wall can cause a nasty injury.
Blog Archive
- We sent Josh to school this morning in underwear (...
- Time for a few Josh-isms:* Josh sometimes introduc...
- That was a great speech. Today is a good day. :-)
- Tonight was Elliot's turn to be center of attentio...
- The gash on his head after it's cleaned and numbed...
- After story time at the library we hung out at Chi...
- Every night we check on the boys before we go to s...
- According to my friend Stephanie, we're progressiv...
- Another cute thing Joshua says is, I'm thirfy." He...
- "You can't depend on the man who made the mess to ...
- I spoke with my dad today after a couple of phone ...
- My dad called his cell phone which Nel has (but di...
Wow! On the stitches thing: apparently stitches are still used for some stuff, but any time staples work, that's the way they go.
Great pictures on the next one!
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