Ah peace! Josh is asleep, Rusty is asleep, I'm not. :)
Today Josh learned 'bah'. It wasn't a clear ba-ba-ba. It was more like a jumble of mmmm and wwah to be something like mbah-mbah-wbah-wmmm-mmmm-mmmm-(he still hums)-mbah-bah-bah-mbah... Finally we have consonants! He's learned 'k' and 'b' and 'm' and 'w' and 'y'. I'm trying to teach him that our cats are kee-kaas. Why bother with details at this point? When he masters that I'll pronounce it better. So far he occasionally makes 'k' sounds when he sees our cats. Sometimes the 'k' sounds a bit like static, but close enough.
Josh is getting better at mobility. He's doing a combination of commando crawl and rolling to get somewhere. He'll get on hands and knees and rock but the doesn't know what to do next. I'm sure he'll figure it out in no time. Meanwhile I'll be baby proofing the living room a bit more. We're mostly done. Electrical wires are fastened to the wall, plants have moved, cat food has moved, electrical outlets are plugged. Once he learns crawling I'll install the cabinet locks.
Rusty annoyed me this evening. I carried my annoyance on my shoulders for nearly half an hour, then he asked what was bothering me. I said guess. And he guessed wrong four times.
Blog Archive
- We started the evening at De Tapas Restaurant in N...
- JC came to visit Thursday night. She spent the ni...
- Oh the screaming! Joshua is learning to fake his ...
- We've pretty much decided driving to Boulder, CO f...
- Rusty has tomorrow off of work- yay! I plan to dr...
- Ah peace! Josh is asleep, Rusty is asleep, I'm no...
- Joshua pulled up to standing in his crib this even...
- Joshua has started to rock on his hands and knees ...
- Two teeth are coming in through Joshua's top gums....
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