Two teeth are coming in through Joshua's top gums. Funny thing is, they aren't the ones we expected to see next. Our pediatrician said typically the bottom front come in, then the top front, then the two on the side of the top ones then two on the side of the bottom ones. Essentially starting from the center and working outward. It kind of kept in on us too. The last two teeth came with fits of pain, crying, night wakings, all kinds of drama. These don't seem to bother him nearly as much.
This week's food adventure is zucchini. It's a bit runny if steamed and not strained. I find myself scooping 1/2 teaspoons of excess water out before feeding him. I added beef to it too, which he doesn't seem to mind. Next time I'll puree it a little longer and strain it before storing.
I hosted a play date at my house this week. Seven moms and their babies showed up. I made a vegetable pasta lunch with salad before they came over. Putting that together was a bit stressful because I almost ran out of time. I had a shower, vegetable chopping and sautéing, a waking baby and general cleanup of the kitchen all within an hour and a half. But I finished in the nick of time and everything went very well. About 2 hours into it Joshua got cranky, as if he was sleepy. He was fussy and rubbing his eyes. Other moms were packing to leave around this time so it worked out- except Josh did nap until 2 hours later! I think he was either feeling over stimulated or tired but not sleepy. Instead of pushing a nap on him after everyone left, I strolled him around the neighborhood. That seemed to calm him a bit and energized him for another hour of play.
We went to a small Super Bowl gathering at Tommy's house yesterday. We took Josh after I got Tommy's approval- ya know, in case it would have killed the groove or something. Good thing we did. Only a hand full of people showed up and Joshua had the love sac all to himself! He loved the sac! He got so much attention and rolled around in/on the sac so much, he fell asleep on the way home during half-time. That posed a bit of a challenge to me. I wasn't sure what to do with a baby asleep at 7:30pm. He didn't have his dinner solids or last bottle yet. He wasn't in pajamas. He didn't have a fresh diaper. And when I took him out of the car, he stayed asleep on my shoulder so I just laid him in his crib with his jacket on and everything. He woke up 2 hours later around 9:30p. Rusty & I sprang into action changing his diaper, getting him into sleepwear and feeding him a bottle. Whew! He went to sleep and stayed asleep until early morning when he was restless and hungry- the usual. In all, it worked out. I guess he just needed the extra sleep!
Blog Archive
- We started the evening at De Tapas Restaurant in N...
- JC came to visit Thursday night. She spent the ni...
- Oh the screaming! Joshua is learning to fake his ...
- We've pretty much decided driving to Boulder, CO f...
- Rusty has tomorrow off of work- yay! I plan to dr...
- Ah peace! Josh is asleep, Rusty is asleep, I'm no...
- Joshua pulled up to standing in his crib this even...
- Joshua has started to rock on his hands and knees ...
- Two teeth are coming in through Joshua's top gums....
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