We started the evening at De Tapas Restaurant in North Dallas. I had not been there before so I was excited to try a new place and eat yummy tapas. We ordered several dishes sharing it around the table and, like sushi, when the plate was emptied we shouted for more until everyone was pretty much done. Cheeses, olives, potato cakes, asparagus, beef skewers, fried squid- lots of good food! We moved on to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar in Addison. I still can't help but compare it to Kyle's Piano Bar in Lubbock. Anyway, we had lots of fun there despite not having a table.

I thought for a long time whether to stay at Citabra's overnight. There were so many pros and cons either way but I ultimately decided to go home. My one main reason was that I really wanted to sleep in my own bed next to Rusty and wake up to him and Josh. And not have to drive for 30 minutes to do that. I'm glad I did make it home. Rusty got up for Josh every time he cried last night (which was apparently 6 times). I was able to stay in bed sleeping until around 9:30 when my internal clock went off.

Today is sunny and dry (well, dry in the air at least) so I suspect I'll be out doing something in the nicer weather as soon as Josh is awake from his morning nap.




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