A few moments to myself while Josh naps in his rocker.

I've realized that sleep is currency when caring for a newborn/infant. I am so tired right now, it would probably take me no more than five minutes to fall asleep. However, while the baby sleeps, I have to decide what's important: sleeping, eating, or doing other things like showering, cleaning up from a previous mess, or chores. Afterall, the diaper bin won't empty itself and wind up in the alley. To forgo the ever coveted act of sleep is no light choice. Like the comedian Jeff Foxworthy, "You know you're sleep deprived when..." So why the heck am I typing away here instead of sleeping? Because I can multitask! Lunch plus mental therapy equals a healthier me. Perhaps I'll skip an afternoon show for a nap later on.

Yesterday was exhausting. Our washer broke last week leaving us with the choice of doing laundry in the sink or borrowing a friend's. I went to a friend's home to do a couple loads (Thank you again Matty) and took Josh with me. First of all, their apartment was on the third floor- which is not bad unless you're toting laundry, baby, and are already tired. Josh went from sleeping to happy, cranky, hungry, wet, happy, cranky, then finally sleepy again. Prior to having a baby, these emotions would pan an entire day for me whereas he seems to flash through them like shuffling a deck of cards. I didn't wait for my clothes to dry entirely because I got impatient. This did not help me going down the stairs. My already sore knees where in screaming pain on the way down from carrying a heavy, damp load of laundry. It felt like 80 lbs. Then I couldn't find the other apartment Matt was having dinner at in order to return his key. I climbed two, three story flights before I caught up with him. And wouldn't you know, our precious sleeping baby was just fine in the car almost all the way home. At the last intersection, he woke up and promptly began complaining about a wet diaper. No rest.

Rusty felt bad for me seeing I was mentally and physically drained. But there's one can do. When the baby is hungry, he must be fed. So I stayed up for two feedings until Josh was finally asleep for three hours at 11pm.

Today isn't so bad though I haven't caugfht up on sleep yet. I ventured out in the rain to get an exercise ball and hoping to put Josh in a happier place from a car ride. Now that he's finally down and I'm fed, I guess this is my cue to take a few moments to rest.




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