I am beginning to really enjoy making baby food. So far I have made apples, pears, mushed bananas, mangos, green beans, peas, sweet potato, broccoli, squash, chicken, ham, and now beets. Yes, beets! I myself have not had beets since- well I can't recall. I wasn't even sure what a beet looked like until I found them in the store. My local grocer and the nearby Stuper Wal-Mart didn't have them. I found them at Central Market, which has everything! I read up on how to do this before starting my endeavor: wash, cut ends, peel, place in roasting pot w/ water, cover, bake at 400 for 30 minutes. I had a few big ones that didn't get cooked enough so I had to chop them up and re-bake. Wow! Lots of pink everywhere! That makes me wonder if Josh will have a pink chin and lips when he starts eating this. I also made more broccoli this evening and chopped up a wheat bagel for him to chew on. I've noticed him make chewing motions with his mouth recently so I was daring enough to offer him a cracker this evening. I am trying to go the whole wheat and grains route from the start so I gave him a mini stoned wheat cracker. Only problem with these is the salt. I scraped off as much salt as I could off the top before handing it to him. I realize he probably could have had a cracker a while back without issue but it didn't occur to me until this evening. Another food trick I've learned is to have a fruit cup handy at restaurants. The last three times I've eaten out with him I ordered a fruit cup on the side and fed him tiny pieces of cantaloupe as I ate my meal. He loves cantaloupe and it distracts him from being fussy or bored.

I bought a new bag today. It's a zipper bag. No pockets inside but it holds exactly what I need (palm pilot, cell phone, keys, ID, cards, cash, and lip essentials) and won't get in the way when I'm carrying the diaper bag on my back, which was my motivation in getting one. I picked out a nice military olive color bag. When I'm done using this bag it unzips to a tiny ball. Not only has having a baby caused me to buy lots of stuff for him, I've found myself buying lots of stuff for me too. I would not need another purse bag if I wasn't lugging a diaper bag around or holding Josh so much when shopping. Speaking of which, I'm expecting a new stroller to arrive in the mail to use for everyday shopping and errands. I love holding Joshua but he's getting heavy and sometimes I need both hands to do stuff.




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